
Buy High, Sell Low

I’m not an investor. Clearly. Take my advice to play the stock market, and you’ll be out on the streets faster than Daniel Carlson. In fantasy football, however, you don’t always have time to wait for market corrections that will never...

The Stat-Li(n)es, Week 2

We all know that statistics provide incomplete information. Without a context, they don’t tell us the important part of a story. Less important than raw numbers is whether they are indicator of good or poor numbers in the future. In some...

The Stat-LI(n)ES, Week 1

We all know that statistics provide incomplete information. Without a context, they don’t tell us the important part of a story. Less important than raw numbers is whether they are indicator of good or poor numbers in the future. In some...

Buy now: Jameis Winston

I can’t understand it. In redraft leagues, Jameis Winston rarely cracks the top 20 quarterbacks drafted. In dynasty leagues, I don’t see him anywhere in the top 10. That makes him my top buy-now quarterback in all of fantasy football. Let’s...

Aaron Rodgers’s new contract and fantasy football

Aaron Rodgers recently signed a record-breaking 4-year, $134 million contract extension with $103 million guaranteed, adding on to the two years remaining on his current deal. Incentives could push his total compensation to potentially $180 million. What does Rodgers’s real-life deal...

Assault of Arrogance

First-time league. Just six players. Just NFC. 1QB, 2RB, 3WR, 1TE, 8 bench. And a league just for fun with some new friends. (I know, I know… this is Superflex and 2QB website! But, bear with me: The lesson is still...

Live Superflex Auction Results

The second fantasy football league that I ever played in started my sophomore year of college with five other new but soon-to-be lifelong friends. Now called The House League, our ten-team league is entering its twenty-fourth season! I just returned today...

Which Draft Position is Best?

I remember the classic riddle: Why are 2018 quarters worth more than 2017 quarters? (Go ahead: think for a few moments.) Answer: Because 2,018 is more than 2,017! As new leagues are starting and forming and as old leagues are determining...

“It’s All Thunder” Live podcast!

I was just featured on a podcast, “It’s All Thunder” (the host of the show, Mitch Nelles, is pictured here). Take a listen! I touch on transitioning a league to an SF league, who gets love and hate from among Bortles,...